Muffie Delgado Connelly

Movement Artist, Activist, Somatic Practitioner

My work functions as a curative strategy for fostering resilience and infinite growth.

My work employs raw exuberance and antidotal desire tactics in support of the whole person and its infinite possibilities.

My work understands the body as the frontline of resistance and grapples with the complexities of being born a bi-racial indigenous descendant of Turtle Island.

My work defies isolationist strictures and demands acknowledgment of intersectional realities as a practice of credentialing the disqualified, erased, silenced, and disappeared.

My work is a transmission and seeks to expand through networks of underground, invisible and sensorial pathways--assuming forms of shared experiential knowledge and lineage passed through the cells of every person and the mother body.

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Muffie Delgado Connelly (she/her) is a dance artist, movement researcher, teacher, and somatic practitioner in Portland, Oregon. Her work as a performer and choreographer has been presented across the United States at Links Hall (Chicago), Packer Schopf Gallery (Chicago), The Art Institute of Chicago, Movement Research Festival (New York), The Gibney Dance Center (New York), and in Portland at White Bird, Performance Works Northwest, and the Newmark Theater. She is the recipient of awards from the Ford Foundation (New York), Illinois Arts Council’s Community Arts Assistance Program, and the Regional Arts and Culture Council.


Website supported by the Regional Arts & Culture Council